
Home > About Hengjiu > Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture

Value: Win-Win Cooperation, Progress with Time, Work Hard
Corporate Vision: Committed to becoming a leader in various application segments
Operational Strategy: Automation, Information Technology, Internationalization, Financialization
Entrepreneurship: Diligence, Initiative, Innovation, Responsibility


The six ribbons waving in the wind represent the six related aspects of the enterprise, and also represent the development of the Hengjiu Corporation based on Inter-Dependence and Win-Win Relationship, the basis for an everlasting Hengjiu.

Group General Manager Shou Feng, Group Vice GM and General Manager of Anhui Company
Chen Yibing were selected as torchbearers for the 2008 Olympic Games

Annualexchange meeting with some suppliers Annual exchange meeting with some customers

Co-organize the annual meeting of industrial
vehicle technology and quality
Technical communication for customers
in subdivided fields

Hengjiu basketball team participates
in Zhuji Basketball League
Hengjiu Dragon Boat Team participates
in Dragon Boat Festival

Hengjiu employees participate
in Zhuji Xishi Cup Marathon
Hengjiu employees participate
in the Guangzhou Marathon

Hengjiu Choir participates
in May Day singing contest
Hengjiu employees participate in
the May 4th Youth Festival mountaineering activities

Conduct safety training for employees Organize employees for skills training

Hengjiu employees participate in the river competition Hengjiu employees participate in table tennis competitions

Organize staff and family travel

Hengjiu Group pairs to help poor villages Employees actively participate in voluntary blood donation

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